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Pope Francis pulls no punches on the subject of abortion. |
It can not be denied that the Catholic and secular left love Pope Francis more than any other pope in recent history. For those currently having meltdowns over the possibility that one of the most egregiously awful Supreme Court rulings in American history (Roe v. Wade) may soon be overturned (God willing!), it is perhaps well to reflect on what the Holy Father has had to say about the topic of abortion over the years.
Though it is perhaps not a topic he relishes teaching about, on those occasions when Pope Francis has spoken out against abortion, he does not mince words. Not at all.
Here is a list of his statements against abortion from the beginning of his papacy through very recent days:
- “Abortion compounds the grief of many women who now carry with them deep physical and spiritual wounds after succumbing to the pressures of a secular culture which devalues God’s gift of sexuality and the right to life of the unborn.” April 26, 2014
- “Abortion is not a “lesser evil”. It is a crime. It is wiping out one to save another. That is what the mafia does. It is a crime, it is absolutely evil.” February 17, 2016
- “Before, it was a sin, you couldn’t kill little children, but today you can, it’s not seen as a big deal. It is a perverse new state of affairs.” November 22, 2017
- “Abortion is never the answer. Human life is sacred and inviolable and the use of prenatal diagnosis for selective purposes must be strongly discouraged, because it is the expression of an inhuman eugenic mentality, which deprives families of the possibility of welcoming, embracing and loving their weakest children.” May 25, 2019
- "The second problem, that of abortion: it's more than a problem, it's homicide, whoever has an abortion, kills. No mincing words. Take any book on embryology for medical students. The third week after conception, all the organs are already there, even the DNA... it is a human life, this human life must be respected, this principle is so clear! To those who cannot understand, I would ask this question: Is it right to kill a human life to solve a problem? Is it right to hire a hitman to kill a human life? Scientifically, it is a human life. Is it right to take it out to solve a problem? That is why the Church is so harsh on this issue, because if it accepts this, it is as if it accepts daily murder. A Head of State told me that the demographic decline began because in those years there was such a strong law on abortion that six million abortions were performed and this left a decline in births in the society of that country.” September 15, 2021
- “There is the discarding of children that we do not want to welcome with the law of abortion that sends them to the dispatcher and kills them directly. And today this has become a ‘normal’ method, a practice that is very ugly. It is really murder. Is it right to eliminate, to take a human life to solve a problem? Is it right to hire a hitman to solve a problem? That’s what abortion is.” September 27, 2021
May the Holy Spirit continue to inspire Pope Francis to speak out vigorously and regularly against the atrocity known as human abortion until this barbaric practice is never again considered a legitimate moral "choice" by anyone.
As Pope of the Catholic Church Francis should be the world’s #1 defender of the unborn, but he is certainly fails by a long shot.
--- “Abortion is not a “lesser evil”. It is a crime. It is wiping out one to save another. That is what the mafia does. It is a crime, it is absolutely evil.” February 17, 2016. ----Abortion is not wiping out one to save another, rather it is premeditated murder. Notice he does not call it murder and he does not call it intrinsic evil.
---- it's homicide, whoever has an abortion, kills.---- But he says that Joe Biden is a “good Catholic.”
----- Is it right to hire a hitman to solve a problem?----- She has the greater sin than the abortionist... “Therefore the one who handed me over to you is guilty of a greater sin” John 19:11. Pope Francis is trying to hide or downplay the woman’s guilt by hiding behind a hitman.
------ Pope Francis never mentions Catholic doctrine that the baby’s blood cries out to God for vengeance and
God promises to avenge.
------Pope Francis has never been to pray on the sidewalk in front of an abortion center. He doesn’t want to get involved. That is Pope Francis in a nutshell. Horribly disappointing and will never change.
(Pt1) Belisarius to Bergoglio: Why did you betray The Eternal Faith - Rome ?
That man can't be counted as truly valid Roman Pontiff. He has deviated from the Orthodoxy of Catholic Church. He denies the Catholic Dogmas and Sacrosanct Traditions. Rather he's a Modernist heresiarch - a leading member of heretical sect condemned by a previous Pope, St. Pius X.
Common sense tells you this and there is a lot of documentation to examine - whether the magisterium of Pope Paul IV (Cum Ex Apostalatus Officio) or many others. Suffice to say a heretical man cannot be a valid and doubtless pope. Belisarius and the Frumentarii would be spot on to see a traitor opening the gates of Rome to Enemies, not only the Barbarians, but even worst the very Vipers who hate Jesus Christ's Most Holy Name by which all man must be saved. That is why there is no salvation outside the Catholic Church for it is in His Name the means of salvation with real and natural water and the Holy Ghost according to his act of Redemption is salvific grace communicated to Catholic Christians through the Primacy and Infallible Magisterium of the Apostolic See. Babies who die without valid sacrament of baptism are outside the Catholic Church where there is no salvation. There is no hope in such a state and it is a defined dogma they must be baptized for any hope of eternal life (see quotes at end of this post). A real pope would call the macro slaughter of children a genocide and mass damnation and every act of this murder and a diabolical pact with Satan to add souls to hell. This is why the sect calling itself "The Church of Satan" is all for abortion as they are earthly agents of Satan calling for more damnation of souls.
So to Chriss Griffin: Francis ain't a real pope, he's an antipope or pseudopope. Let there be a new Magister, like Belisarius, to be an instrument of justice and peace for the necessary provision of God's passage to the aim of the Truth. Rome awaits Divine Providence for a real Pope who upholds Catholic Orthodoxy and condemns by name and effect the heresies of the Modernists with full power of Infallible Magisterium and with the hooks of anathema.
Also it would be great again to have a Most Pious Emperor like Justinian to restore all things in Christ and to issue a condemnation of the Three Major Heresiarch Chapters of Neo-Modernism: Roncalli (John XXIII), Montini (Paul VI), and Wojtyla (John Paul II) and along with all the agents of their heresies (Luciani, Ratzinger, Bergoglio, Bugnini, Cushing, etc.) and to declare the fact of nullity concerning all their acts and their Latrocincium and make sure the proper valid sacraments of Baptism, Holy Orders, and other Sacraments are provided (or administered conditionally) to those who wish to be counted Roman Catholic People desiring to reign in the City of God.
God knows best the order for this to come about.
The Ecumenical Council Of Florence (1438-1445)
“The holy Roman church, founded on the words of our Lord and Saviour, firmly believes, professes and preaches that … With regard to children, since the danger of death is often present and the only remedy available to them is the sacrament of baptism by which they are snatched away from the dominion of the devil and adopted as children of God, it admonishes that sacred baptism is not to be deferred for forty or eighty days or any other period of time in accordance with the usage of some people, but it should be conferred as soon as it conveniently can; and if there is imminent danger of death, the child should be baptized straightaway without any delay, even by a lay man or a woman in the form of the church, if there is no priest, as is contained more fully in the decree on the Armenians. ”
Sacrosancta Romana Ecclesia, Domini et Salvatoris nostri voce fundata, firmiter credit, profitetur et praedicat… Circa pueros vero propter periculum mortis, quod potest saepe contingere, cum ipsis non possit alio remedio subveniri, nisi per sacramentum baptismi, per quod eripiuntur a diaboli dominatu et in Dei filios adoptantur, admonet, non esse per quadraginta aut octoginta dies seu aliud tempus iuxta quorundam observantiam sacrum baptisma differendum, sed quamprimum commode fieri potest, debere conferri: ita tamen, quod mortis imminente periculo mox sine ulla dilatione baptizentur, etiam per laicum vel mulierem, in forma Ecclesiae, si desit sacerdos, quemadmodum in decreto Armenorum plenius continetur
…The souls of those who die in mortal sin or with original sin only, however, immediately descend to hell, to be punished with different punishments…–Council of Lyons II (1274), Declaration Concerning the Procession of the Holy Spirit, promulgated by Pope Gregory X (D464).
…Moreover, the souls of those who depart in actual mortal sin or in original sin only, descend immediately into hell but to undergo punishments of different kinds.—Council of Florence (1438-1445), Decree for the Greeks (from the Bull Laetentur coeli), promulgated by Pope Eugenius IV 6th July, 1439 (D693).
P.S. The Eastern Churches through the Councils of Lyon II and Florence had a Reunion with Rome and professed the Catholic Orthodoxy which Bergoglio and his followers are denying. The minute they remember the importance of these Acts together and with the purpose of the Ecumenical Councils there will arise the Double Headed Eagle again to aid Holy Mother Church for the restoration of all things in Christ.
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