Thursday, November 08, 2012

Lukewarm Catholics

"All the evils of the world are due to lukewarm Catholics." ~Pope Saint Pius V

Hard to argue with this following the result of the 2012 election with pro-abortion zealot Barack Obama getting somewhere north of 52% of the “Catholic” vote.  Disgraceful.

1 comment:

Joyful Catholics said...

Amen to that! But, we are Catholic faithful and we will fight the good fight. In time of persecution, we basically have heaven handed to us on a 'silver platter' so-to-speak. The martyrs died for the faith and whether our blood is required of us or not, this is going to be a time of persecution like we've never known in this country! So buckle up the Belt of Truth, be calm an CATHOLIC ON! FORWARD ... to HEAVEN and not on the bullet train to Hell! The JOY of the LORD is our Strength!